Suicide on a Mission
I set out on a path where shadows reign,A secret quest in the silent night—Each step a whisper of unspoken pain,A mission etched in darkness, void of light.
I tread the edge where hope seems to depart,Where every heartbeat echoes deep despair;Yet amid the void, a distant, fragile sparkReminds me that a choice still lingers there.
This mission, born of anguish and of loss,Could be the end—a final, quiet fall;But in the struggle, where I'm torn across,A seed of yearning whispers: "Answer the call."
Not every step toward the abyss must beA march to silence, an irreversible end;Within the storm, perhaps you'll chance to seeThat every ending offers room to mend.
If you find yourself adrift on darker seas,Please know you’re not alone in all your pain.Reach out—let someone share your silent pleas,For even in the night, there shines hope’s refrain.
If you’re struggling or feeling unsafe, please consider reaching out to someone you trust or contact a crisis support service. In the United States, call 988 or 911; in other countries, please refer to your local emergency services or helplines.

Suicide on a mission
Puplished 6th February 2025